You are invited into ministry. We welcome you to give and receive through our ministries of prayer, support, fellowship, worship, music, and education.
Please contact our church office to suggest new avenues to minister to one another.
Church School
Our children's Church School is currently meeting during Sunday worship. Children are invited to start out in the sanctuary and stay for the "Children's Chat" before leaving to participate in church school. All children are welcome to join us. If you have questions, please call or email the church office. HELP NEEDED! The Education Committee is looking for someone to help teach our children's church school. Lesson plans will be provided and the children would love to get to know more members of our congregation! Please call or email the church office or speak with Lisa Profio if you are able to help. Thank you! |
Life Groups
Life Groups are small group ministries designed to build significant Christian relationships, with the ultimate goal of spiritual formation and growth. The Groups gather regularly to share life, pray, and discuss topics raised during the Sunday sermon. The size of each group is designed to be 6 to 10 Christians, meeting on a weekly basis. The meetings are held at individual’s homes, at the church, other public locations or by Zoom. This ministry is designed for new people to connect with members of our congregation for growth and belonging. Currently we have two groups meeting: Mondays at 7:00 PM - leader Bob Schomer Sundays at 3:00 PM - leader John Lahl If you have questions or an interest in being a part of a Life Group, contact one of the leaders, or call or email the church office. |
Men's Square Men’s Square is a fellowship group of men that meets the second Saturday of the month for breakfast, Biblical based study, and work projects around the church. All men are invited to join us and enjoy this great group. To make suggestions for group projects or if you would like more information, please call or email the church office. |
Chancel Choir & Carillon Choir
Music is one of the many ways we give praise to God. The Chancel Choir is a singing group that meets weekly from September through the beginning in June. We lead the congregation in the singing of hymns, provide an anthem, and offer special music at holidays. We meet Thursdays from 7-8 PM in the Sanctuary starting in September. The Carillon Choir is a Handbell Choir that plays in church approximately once each month and for special services. You do not need to be proficient in music reading, just have the willingness to learn. Consider joining one of our music groups here at Parma-South and participate in worship through the gift of music. If you are interested in either group, please call or email the church office. |
Care Team
This active committee serves the elderly, home-bound, and any members unable to attend church in person, through regularly scheduled visits, phone calls, cards, and seasonal flower deliveries. Their purpose is to bring cheer and maintain a strong connection to all in the Parma-South church family. Meetings are held monthly to share updates on visitees. The Prayer Group is included in their ministry of caring. If you have any prayer requests, please don’t hesitate to call or email the church office. Rest assured, our caring group of folks will pray for your concerns. New Care Team members are always welcome. Please call or email the church office for more information. |