Our community is strengthened by fellowship and a variety of church activities.
Please join us!
Hiking in the Metroparks About once a month, members, family and friends meet for a family-friendly hike in our wonderful Cleveland Metroparks. The trails we choose are easy terrain, and the hikes are usually not more than an hour or so. Watch the Sunday bulletins for information about our next hike. For more information, contact Katie Kolthoff. |
Synod of the Covenant - WEBINAR
This election season reinforces the toxic polarization that stains American society. The Pew Research Center regularly releases information about these divisions. The Synod of the Covenant is offering a webinar (via Zoom) about the psychology of polarization, entitled, "Polarization and the Groups We Join". The Zoom presentation will be on Tuesday, January 21st from 10-11:30 AM, and will include a Q & A with Dr. Dominic Packer of Lehigh University. It will be followed by facilitated conversation about how the church can build our capacity to defuse toxic polarization. Participation is free, but you must first register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUrcOqupzMvGtOFNr8IP9Z9rpd-rJ5qsFQM?mc_cid=81b8e44046&mc_eid=c5d998566b#/registration |
Community Garden
Parma-South has a 16-raised-bed garden behind our main church building. It was started almost 10 years ago by our young adult group and has expanded each year. Our mission is to grow fresh produce for the Parma Heights Food Pantry, church members in need and the surrounding community. Our garden season runs May thru late September, and we grow easy to prepare produce such as peppers, lettuce, green beans, tomatoes, peas, carrots, squash, cucumbers, eggplants, zucchini, and berry bushes. Volunteers are always needed to help with watering, pulling weeds, harvesting and delivering produce to the Parma Heights Food Pantry. If you are interested in helping or have questions, please contact Tony Indovina or call or email the church office.
Parma-South has a 16-raised-bed garden behind our main church building. It was started almost 10 years ago by our young adult group and has expanded each year. Our mission is to grow fresh produce for the Parma Heights Food Pantry, church members in need and the surrounding community. Our garden season runs May thru late September, and we grow easy to prepare produce such as peppers, lettuce, green beans, tomatoes, peas, carrots, squash, cucumbers, eggplants, zucchini, and berry bushes. Volunteers are always needed to help with watering, pulling weeds, harvesting and delivering produce to the Parma Heights Food Pantry. If you are interested in helping or have questions, please contact Tony Indovina or call or email the church office.
Memorial Day Recognition
Parma-South Presbyterian Church is home to the annual Memorial Day Service for the City of Parma Heights. This year marked the 157th annual service, and was held on our front lawn at 9:30 AM on Monday, May 27, 2024. The Valley Forge Marching Band performed before and during the service. Following the service, there was a parade to the Parma Heights Cemetery, where there was a wreath laying and dedication ceremony. Please plan to attend again next year and remember to bring your own lawn chair. |